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Canadian Dollar To Trend Lower

created by Kyle Conway on Tue 7 Oct 2014

Canadian Dollar To Trend Lower

The Canadian Dollar Is Expected to 
Trend Lower
At the start of 2013, one Canadian dollar bought 
1.015 U.S. dollars. Since then, the loonie has 
lost roughly eight per cent in value against the 
U.S. dollar, and the near term outlook for the 
Canadian dollar has weakened. Some of the 
fundamentals that supported the Canadian 
dollar over the last several years have eased, 
most notably portfolio inflows into Canada have 
slowed and investors have pushed out their 
anticipated timing of the first rate hike by the 
Bank of Canada.
As the U.S. Federal Reserve begins tapering 
its monthly asset purchases,10 we expect a 
broadly stronger U.S. dollar and a slightly 
weaker Canadian dollar. The loonie is generally 
projected to trade in the low 90 U.S. cent range 
in 2014. It should receive a boost in 2015 with the 
first rate hike by the Bank of Canada projected 
for early 2015. The loonie should strengthen to 
around 97 U.S. cents by year-end 2015.